Software Engineering is More than a Collection of Languages
15 Dec 2020
I just started my first job at a software company. We work with industrial IT and OT applications. My first question when I was told about the position was “What languages do I need to know?” I had it still...
The first complete website I helped build was hardly complex coding. We used a template and I quickly understood, that all images that I wanted to display were going to be the same size. All the textual information was going...
When I took the classes for Web Development at the local junior college, I remember that learning HTML was only the beginning. I had already taken two consecutive C++ programming classes and I could draw a triangle of asterixis on...
In the first few semesters of computer science classes, we were exposed to a few different IDE’s. As I learned to type faster and spent more time with my eyes on the screen and less on the keyboard, I began...
In my first introductory programming class the first lecture included the ominous warning from my professor, I can’t stop you from using, but I will be able to tell if you copy code from it, so don’t. I had...
As a student, I am at that point where I can start making decisions about my educational path. This is exciting because almost everything is interesting to me, but I must make some decisions. I started by asking all my...
Spring 2018 was my third semester as a computer science major. I had just finished two consecutive semesters of C++ programming. I knew just enough to get me by reading code. I had a rudimentary idea of the variables, data...