Java Drum Machine

This was the final project for ICS 111. It was our only group project in the class, and the first groups project I had as an ICS student. As a team we decided to try something different to do than the games we were had making most of the semester.

The drum machine was written in Java using the library. Early on we found that the library we were using did not have some elements we needed, like a timer. We had to create the tools we needed through some creative code. Even the UI was tricky to construct using the EZ library’s limited functions. You can see below how basic the UI looked, using rows of buttons to turn the sounds on and off as the loop ran right-to-left across the columns.

We used Eclipse to run our app, but more importantly we succeeded as a team in finishing with a project that met our design objectives. I learned a lot about working in a team remotely as we found ourselves mostly available in the late evenings and weekends when we were already home.

Source: fredstraub/soundboard